With just 1 day of Spring Break remaining, I doubt that I’ll manage to finish another of my previously unfinished books, so my Spring Break reading total is as follows:
From Bacteria to Bach and Back, by Daniel Dennett. This was my top priority, and it was well worth the challenge. 400+ pages that addressed, from multiple angles, evidence about current theories on the evolution of human consciousness. Not an easy read by any measure, but really good. He explains quite clearly why the idea of Cartesian duality, or the idea of our “mind” being separate and distinct from our brain, is continuing to crumble under the avalanche of growing data.
Tonight I finished Dan Rather’s newest book, What Unites Us: Reflections on Patriotism.. It is eloquently and passionately written, and I highly recommend it to ALL of my fellow Americans, regardless of political persuasion.
Along the way, when I needed easy, mindless reading for pure fun, I re-read 6 of the 7 Harry Potter books. I skipped only “The Half-Blood Prince” due to time limits.
I think that means I’ve read 5 new books this year, which is better than in recent years. However, there are still quite a few unfinished books on my bedside table, so I shall carry on! 📖📖📖📖