“When should a criminal defendant be required to await trial in jail rather than at home? Software could significantly improve judges’ ability to make that call—reducing crime or the number of people stuck waiting in jail.
In a new study from the National Bureau of Economic Research, economists and computer scientists trained an algorithm to predict whether defendants were a flight risk from their rap sheet and court records using data from hundreds of thousands of cases in New York City. When tested on over a hundred thousand more cases that it hadn’t seen before, the algorithm proved better at predicting what defendants will do after release than judges.”
A really intriguing study with potentially significant implications for the justice system. Thanks to David Amerland for sharing.
Originally shared by David Amerland
AI Judge
Clever algorithms may soon be helping judges deciding some cases and speeding up deliberations on at least some types of judgement. This is interesting not least because of the social implications. Check it out: https://goo.gl/IS1n7n