What Did You Think of Star Wars: The Force Awakens?
Personally, I absolutely LOVED it. As for the franchise itself, I think a lot will depend on where the next 2 movies go. I appreciate what the guy is saying in this critique and wouldn’t even disagree with him on many of his points…….but I just enjoyed the hell out of the movie and don’t care. LOL
Now if Episode VIII turns out to be nothing more than a remake of The Empire Strikes Back? Well, if that happens, I think we’ll see lots of disappointment. It’s ok to “recapture the magic” once, but if that’s all you keep doing, then yeah, people are going to be upset.
I also appreciate the points about the prequels – one of my patients suggested the other day that they should be permanently deleted and let Abrams take the same stories and remake them. Probably wouldn’t be a bad idea! If you strip away the horrible acting and overly done CGI, the underlying story had real promise.
Was it realistic to try and recreate the weirdness and “newness” of the originals? Honestly, I think that’s an absurd criticism. I mean….you have to keep the story going based on where it left off, the back story has already been created, so how would anyone create something radically new? It sounds like the criticism of Apple that each new iPhone isn’t “revolutionary” but just “evolutionary.” Well, gee…….how many times can you revolutionize a phone/hand-held computer? How do you revolutionize a franchise without destroying it?
h/t to Christopher Gallagher for the share
Originally shared by Christopher Gallagher
It is always good to read an opposing opinion. Some of the points made in this review are spot-on.
“In some ways, the triumph of this, Star Wars 2.0—and its predictable, nostalgia-reliant, repackaged thrills—is a defeat for what made the trilogy extraordinary in the first place—its madcap sci-fi originality and genre-bending experimentation.”