Wenn es nur ein echtes Jever Pilsener wäre….
If only it were a genuine Jever Pilsener…
This beer mug harkens back to my sophomore year of college of 1991-1992, spent in the German town of Göttingen, in Niedersachsen (Lower Saxony). I still have a number of beer mugs and steins, some of them going back to our first family travels to Europe in the 1980s. Unfortunately, I don’t have any genuine German beers to fill these mugs, and I would love a genuine Jever or Königs Pilsener more than I can possibly say. Or an Augustiner Edelweiß would be amazing. Or a real Doppelbock!
As it is, this is the US version of Becks. Not bad, but not the real thing.
But after this week at work, it is well-deserved and appreciated!
Prost! 🍻