This could have obviously gone into my “Pop Culture” Collection, too, but since it’s all about physics (I imagine that Philip Plait Ciro Villa Brian Koberlein, Lacerant Plainer have all seen plenty of variations of this), it kinda belongs in this Collection.
Anyway, of the entire new Star Wars: The Force Awakens movie, this “Starkiller Base” is the only part that is just so patently absurd, on so many levels, that it takes away a teeny bit of enjoyment of the movie……but not enough to actually matter. But it is pretty stupid, and I sure hope that this is the LAST time we ever see one of these Death Star kinds of things. After all this time, you’d think that the bad guys would have learned that it’s not really all that effective.
Originally shared by Geeks are Sexy
Being a lifelong Star Wars fan this is a question that’s pertinent, Star Wars doesn’t care about physics but one of the few places we can invoke real science is in figuring out just how much power it takes to obliterate planets. [Scott Manley]