166 years of climate change in one gif < ![CDATA[ Originally shared by Colin Fish 166 years of climate change in one gif The animated spiral presents global …Continue Reading about 166 years of climate change in one gif
And this is the problem I have as a dentist/medical provider – people who last took a science class in 9th grade and… And this is the problem I have as a dentist/medical provider - people who last took a science class in 9th grade and think that …Continue Reading about And this is the problem I have as a dentist/medical provider – people who last took a science class in 9th grade and…
As I often must remind friends and family, just because there is a study that makes a claim about the results,… As I often must remind friends and family, just because there is a study that makes a claim about the results, doesn't necessarily …Continue Reading about As I often must remind friends and family, just because there is a study that makes a claim about the results,…
How BIG is Science? < ![CDATA[ How BIG is Science? An interesting question that had never really crossed my mind, but Anna Zakrisson of The …Continue Reading about How BIG is Science?