Well, when you draw the parallels like this….. Well, when you draw the parallels like this..... Originally shared by Furr Bear Like, duh. …Continue Reading about Well, when you draw the parallels like this…..
These would be the greatest Christmas Presents of All. These would be the greatest Christmas Presents of All. What I Want for Christmas by Robert Green Ingersoll If I …Continue Reading about These would be the greatest Christmas Presents of All.
After reading Mark Traphagen’s article yesterday, I decided to sit down this morning and try to write something of… After reading Mark Traphagen's article yesterday, I decided to sit down this morning and try to write something of my own. But as …Continue Reading about After reading Mark Traphagen’s article yesterday, I decided to sit down this morning and try to write something of…
What It’s Like to be an Atheist/Agnostic at Christmas What It's Like to be an Atheist/Agnostic at Christmas I think that Mark Traphagen does a pretty good job of explaining some …Continue Reading about What It’s Like to be an Atheist/Agnostic at Christmas