So I started reading this some time in 2016 and just didn’t get very far with it, but it was one of the 3 books I committed to finishing before Spring Break was over, and tonight I finished it.
Hitchens truly does a thorough job of describing the utter failure of virtually every major religion to live up to it’s claimed ideals. Judaism, Hinduism, Buddhism, Islam, Christianity…historically, they have all done almost everything possible to repress and control humanity. Quite frankly, I do agree with him that humanity would be generally much better off without religion entirely. Reason, philosophy, science, and the kind of thoughtful ideas that Yonatan Zunger expressed in the essay I shared earlier today would serve humanity far better. We simply don’t need imagined deities any longer, especially not the ones of millennia past.
“God Is Not Great: How Religion Poisons Everything” by Christopher Hitchens