Normally I despise simplistic memes that try to make a point with a few words that grossly oversimplify a complex and nuanced topic, especially when there is pain and suffering involved. However, given the repulsive efforts by supposed “Christian” GOP politicians to try and stop the USA from accepting any Syrian refugees because a few terrorists might slip through and wreak havoc in the USA like in Paris, I feel this one is quite appropriate.
Yes, in a large enough population of immigrants, there is that possibility. And yes, we would certainly be justified in doing thorough checks to minimize risks. However, for Christians to completely ignore the message of Jesus Christ, who commanded his followers to help the downtrodden, welcome the foreigner, aid the sick and wounded….well, I guess they are forgetting the whole point.
Oh yeah, and it’s not like we don’t already have enough Caucasian terrorists and mass shootings in the US so often that conveniently get ignored. How many Americans have died because of Islamic terrorism since 9/11 vs how many Americans have died in mass shootings by white Christians? Riiiiiiight.
To be clear, I am an atheist. Grew up Roman Catholic, and I’ve studied both the Bible and Christian history extensively, both while a Christian and then just out of an academic interest later on. I’m not interested particularly at this point in debating Christianity or religion itself, quite frankly. I simply wish that people who beat their chest and make a huge point about being followers of Christ’s message would remember what that message actually was. And no, it didn’t include protecting the right to keep weapons stockpiles, oppressing women, ignoring and marginalizing the poor, or refusing to to help the suffering and weak and downtrodden.
Originally shared by Debra Roberts