Nobody Here Would Fall for that Facebook Hoax, Right?
I’m curious…….does anyone know if such a hoax has ever been tried on G+, Twitter, Instagram, etc? It blows my mind how many people, who are smart enough and well-educated enough that they should really know better (many of my dental colleagues included), who continue to share this stupid stuff.
And yes, what really annoys me is when they copy the part at the beginning, “Well, better be safe than sorry!” Hello……..NO. Just NO.
So glad Plussers seems to be smarter than that.
BTW – please feel free to save (it’ll have to be via screenshot since I don’t allow photo downloads, but it’s fine in this case) and use either of these memes that I created today.
Originally shared by Smiles by Payet Dentistry
Public Service Announcement from Your Friendly (and Annoyed) Dentist
OK, people…….can we start using some common sense? Please?
1) You can not change the Terms of Service (TOS) to which you agree when you sign up for every social media site on the Web simply by saying you want to change it.
2) It doesn’t matter if you share it, copy/paste it, or send it via astral projection. It doesn’t make a difference.
3) These hoaxes go around AT LEAST once a year, sometimes more often, and they’ve been doing so since at least 2009.
4) Please check any time you see one, and you’ll save yourself a lot of embarrassment.
5) If you do actually share it, and someone tells you it is a hoax, please delete it to avoid anyone else seeing it and sharing it.
6) Please feel free to save and use both of these memes that I created today whenever you see someone else making a mistake.
Thank you. This ends the PSA, and you may not once again move freely about social media.