May I Introduce You to the Credible Hulk?
I first came across the Credible Hulk on Facebook a bit over a year ago, probably through Kavin Senapathy initially. And he is one super hero woo-smasher, because the guy is just brilliant, has a superb background in and understanding of science, and is a terrific writer. I’ve been trying to talk him into establishing a presence here on G+ for ages, but his FB page is huge and keeps him quite busy. Still, I’m glad to see him starting to share here, so for all my science friends, definitely Circle him and let’s give him a warm welcome.
Mark Bruce John Newman Charles Younger Mommy, PhD Layla Katiraee The Imaginarium John Baez
Originally shared by Credible Hulk
Bringing up pictures of doctors smoking cigarettes is a common tactic used by anti-GMO activists and other critics of “mainstream” science to cast doubt and mistrust on matters of scientific consensus by implying that a world wide scientific consensus can realistically be bought off by corporations, and insinuating that that is, in fact, what is actually happening.
The claim comes up frequently enough that I think it deserves to be directly addressed, so let’s put this tired canard to bed for all time.