It’s apparently that time of year again. Yes, that’s right……the time when Twitter and the right-wing media go nuts over Starbucks not proselytizing Christianity via their holiday coffee cups. Because apparently a public, for-profit, non-religious based company with an international customer base that encompasses almost all religions, is supposed to only have cups that specifically promote Christianity. Even though they have never done so. And this means that there is a #WarOnChristmas.
Last year, this war on Christmas was apparently symbolized by Starbucks not putting snowflakes on their holiday cups. Because somehow snowflakes are a sign of Christmas…..despite snow being basically unheard of in the regions of Palestine and Israel, and there is no snow in the Christmas story. This year, it’s because the cups are green instead of red. But I thought that green is also a Christmas color, so what’s the big deal with this? I mean……….what???
Personally, while I think it’s pretty amazing that they drew all of those people with just 1 line, I don’t like it because it makes me think of too many bas reliefs in European cathedrals depicting the many levels of hell, with all the tortured souls packed in, screaming and suffering. But then again, I’m weird.
Anyway, this is clearly Obama’s fault. #ThanksObama