I am so embarrassed to be a North Carolinian any more.
> First, our Governor and Legislature pass HB2 in the most undemocratic fashion possible.
> Then, when the economic damage begins piling up, they start attacking the very companies which they worked so hard to attract to our state in the first place.
> Then they basically ignore the fact that HB2 does a heck of a lot more damage than just the “bathroom bill (which I wrote about here http://www.smilesbypayet.com/2016/04/we-do-not-discriminate/)
> When the US Dept. of Justice, the Dept. of Housing and Urban Development, and the Dept. of Transportation all say that they are investigating whether or not HB2 is a violation of civil rights and they could withhold hundreds of millions in funding, the Governor and Legislature say that they will fight, and indeed they file a lawsuit today against the Justice Dept.
> And now the Justice Dept. has filed suit against the State of North Carolina, the University of North Carolina system, and the NC Dept. of Public Safety.
It’s 2016, not 1960, for crying out loud!