H/t to Vincent Messina for the share. #IStandWithAhmed
Originally shared by Vincent Messina
@popehat on Fear, Paranoia and the Myth of Security
People fly planes into buildings.
People go on shooting sprees.
People build bombs.
None of it is a good enough excuse to overreact when a child takes the initiative to express his creativity and brilliance in the form of building a clock.
Yes, I know, you’re probably thinking the cops and school administrators are up against it. Their job is to protect the well being of others. The problem is, security and control, in large part, is a bit of a myth.
In the case of a child who builds a clock, paranoia should take a back seat to logic and reason. Not every clock is a bomb and not every Muslim is a terrorist.
To respond as if they are is an act of lunacy and does nothing but perpetuate irrational hysteria that leads to ridiculous security measures in the first place.
Note, I could do more damage to a human with my belt than a bottle of water. Yet I can’t bring a bottle of water through security at the airport.
#thinkbeforeyouact #istandwithahmed