I’ve spent a lot of time updating CDPayetPhotography.com over since mid-2018, and I just added a couple new galleries. Given the many trips I’ve taken over the years, and the tens of thousands of photos in my Lightroom catalog, it’s not surprising that I keep finding more to share. I’m still experimenting with photo-blogging on the site vs. here, so this is part of the experiment. 😀
The Dominican Republic
I’ve been to the Dominican Republic twice; the first time was in 2016 for Dr. Arun Garg’s Implant Seminars course on Dental Extractions, and the second time was Spring Break vacation 2017 with Fara & Lizzie. It’s a remarkably beautiful country, but even more remarkably poor. The difference between the very expensive, all-inclusive resorts and the shockingly poor rural areas immediately outside the high walls blew my mind. Once I learned that the average Dominican earns just $2-300 per month, I started handing out much larger tips! I felt guilt even.
It’s 2019, and it still depresses me, how horribly unjust our world is, despite our incredible accomplishments as human beings.
I’m sure to find many more photos of Florida to add over time, but the ones here are mostly from 2 trips for Spring Break: Miami and Key West.
I hope you like them, and don’t forget to check out more of my work over at CDPayet Photography.