Being able to monitor brain function accurately enough with an EEG that they can measure consciousness? Whoa.....this is cool! …
John Newman Mark Bruce Ward Plunet hey guys, got a question for you.
John Newman Mark Bruce Ward Plunet hey guys, got a question for you. So right now I'm reading Superintelligence: Paths, Dangers, …
Continue Reading about John Newman Mark Bruce Ward Plunet hey guys, got a question for you.
John Newman well here’s an interesting article that seems to touch on the discussion that we were having yesterday.
John Newman well here's an interesting article that seems to touch on the discussion that we were having yesterday. I'm not quite …
Is Google closer to creating a General AI than anyone imagined possible at this point in time?
Is Google closer to creating a General AI than anyone imagined possible at this point in time? The possibility must be considered. …