Beautiful and thought-provoking at the same time. Beautiful and thought-provoking at the same time. Originally shared by Jessica …Continue Reading about Beautiful and thought-provoking at the same time.
2016 is apparently going to keep taking the great ones until the very end, eh? 2016 is apparently going to keep taking the great ones until the very end, …Continue Reading about 2016 is apparently going to keep taking the great ones until the very end, eh?
It really is a fascinating paradox, this past election, when you look at the numbers. It really is a fascinating paradox, this past election, when you look at the numbers. What it comes down to is a total of …Continue Reading about It really is a fascinating paradox, this past election, when you look at the numbers.
Now this is a weird one! Now this is a weird one! Originally shared by Charles …Continue Reading about Now this is a weird one!