The thing is, it’s true but not official. ☹️ The thing is, it’s true but not official. …Continue Reading about The thing is, it’s true but not official. ☹️
At this point, the only reasonable thing to do with the Roman Catholic Church, is to essentially burn the… At this point, the only reasonable thing to do with the Roman Catholic Church, is to essentially burn the organization to the …Continue Reading about At this point, the only reasonable thing to do with the Roman Catholic Church, is to essentially burn the…
Texas saved billions cutting special education. Now the bill comes due – Bloomberg Texas saved billions cutting special education. Now the bill comes due - Bloomberg Well, when the only thing that the GOP …Continue Reading about Texas saved billions cutting special education. Now the bill comes due – Bloomberg
When I was a student in Chapel Hill 20+ years ago (started undergrad in ‘90 and finished dental school in ‘98), I… When I was a student in Chapel Hill 20+ years ago (started undergrad in ‘90 and finished dental school in ‘98), I never really …Continue Reading about When I was a student in Chapel Hill 20+ years ago (started undergrad in ‘90 and finished dental school in ‘98), I…