These body hackers have stepped straight out of sci-fi Originally shared by rare avis Biohacking, BodyMod & Transhumanism Every transhuman has an origin story. For …Continue Reading about These body hackers have stepped straight out of sci-fi
Goodbye Cassini and thanks for all the science Originally shared by Corina Marinescu Goodbye Cassini and thanks for all the science You helped us learn the secrets of …Continue Reading about Goodbye Cassini and thanks for all the science
Proof Of ‘God Playing Dice With The Universe’ Found In The Sun’s Interior Originally shared by Ethan Siegel Proof Of ‘God Playing Dice With The Universe’ Found In The Sun’s Interior “If it …Continue Reading about Proof Of ‘God Playing Dice With The Universe’ Found In The Sun’s Interior
Hmmmm, I don’t know. Hmmmm, I don't know. 3 major floods in 3 consecutive years? Yeah, maybe that's nature saying that your urban planning really …Continue Reading about Hmmmm, I don’t know.