SciTech #ScienceSunday Digest – 09/2015. < ![CDATA[ SciTech #ScienceSunday Digest - 09/2015. Permalink here: …Continue Reading about SciTech #ScienceSunday Digest – 09/2015.
It always was a story of humanity that just happens to be set in the future in space. Originally shared by Scott Jordan It always was a story of humanity that just happens to be set in the future in space. …Continue Reading about It always was a story of humanity that just happens to be set in the future in space.
Zen is the Ultimate Outcome of Science Zen is the Ultimate Outcome of Science When one begins to grasp the unimaginable awe of our Universe, from quarks to …Continue Reading about Zen is the Ultimate Outcome of Science
Rest in peace, Leonard Nimoy. Originally shared by Google+ Rest in peace, Leonard Nimoy. See the photos, articles and tributes …Continue Reading about Rest in peace, Leonard Nimoy.