How Deep do the Lies Go, and What Are the Repercussions? How Deep do the Lies Go, and What Are the Repercussions? And whom can we trust now? In the world of science and …Continue Reading about How Deep do the Lies Go, and What Are the Repercussions?
The Sky and Ocean are Blue for Different Reasons? Cool! < ![CDATA[ The Sky and Ocean are Blue for Different Reasons? Cool! I could try to explain it all, but I'm tired and need to …Continue Reading about The Sky and Ocean are Blue for Different Reasons? Cool!
Martial Arts As Therapy for ADD/ADHD Martial Arts As Therapy for ADD/ADHD I found this as a "related post" on Facebook during a discussion about ADHD meds, …Continue Reading about Martial Arts As Therapy for ADD/ADHD
How BIG is Science? < ![CDATA[ How BIG is Science? An interesting question that had never really crossed my mind, but Anna Zakrisson of The …Continue Reading about How BIG is Science?