I fear for our country over the next 4 years. I fear for our country over the next 4 years. I weep for those who will suffer. But while I still grieve, the resolve grows to …Continue Reading about I fear for our country over the next 4 years.
A friend on FB made this so we can track how “well” Trump does at keeping the promises he made on the campaign trail. A friend on FB made this so we can track how "well" Trump does at keeping the promises he made on the campaign trail. It's …Continue Reading about A friend on FB made this so we can track how “well” Trump does at keeping the promises he made on the campaign trail.
Grieving for America right now. Grieving for America right now. Originally shared by Rafael V2 Screaming …Continue Reading about Grieving for America right now.
Are You a Clinton Supporter? If So, You Belong in The Pantsuit Nation Are You a Clinton Supporter? If So, You Belong in The Pantsuit Nation I just realized that I haven't even shared this on …Continue Reading about Are You a Clinton Supporter? If So, You Belong in The Pantsuit Nation