And Nero fiddled while Rome burned….. And Nero fiddled while Rome …Continue Reading about And Nero fiddled while Rome burned…..
First of all, why do people think that shooting coffee up your ass will make you healthier? First of all, why do people think that shooting coffee up your ass will make you healthier? Second of all, if you're …Continue Reading about First of all, why do people think that shooting coffee up your ass will make you healthier?
Damn, ANOTHER book to add to the list! < ![CDATA[ Damn, ANOTHER book to add to the list! Originally shared by rare avis Book Review: The Last …Continue Reading about Damn, ANOTHER book to add to the list!
Just because it’s cold in the USA, doesn’t mean that it’s cold everywhere else. Just because it’s cold in the USA, doesn’t mean that it’s cold everywhere else. In fact, right now it’s quite the opposite. …Continue Reading about Just because it’s cold in the USA, doesn’t mean that it’s cold everywhere else.