Anti-GMO Activists Went Off the Rails Long Ago
Before anyone gets mad, let me be clear that I’m not lumping all anti-GMO activists into 1 group. As with any cause, there is the bell curve with extremists on each end and a moderate middle. Very often that “moderate middle” is actually composed of people who really don’t know much about the topic but have heard some scary-sounding stuff and think they’d better “err on the side of caution.” But the real extremists who shout the loudest are also the ones who are devoid of all logic, who are willing to ignore mounds of evidence but then embrace the single study that confirms their own bias, who are willing to call everyone who supports GMOs “shills” and “bought by Monsanto,” etc. And those people can be found on both sides of the political spectrum.
But is the trend starting to shift in favor of reason, science, and logic? It’s too early to tell for sure, but as with the measles outbreak earlier this year and the resulting outbreak of sanity and reporting in the media….. maybe.
Thank you to Mommy, PhD for sharing this article by a very liberal, progressive, and formerly anti-GMO author, who did something kind of shocking today….based on the evidence, he changed his mind. Shocking, I know, but it can happen, when people are willing to examine the weight of the science.
Are you on the fence about GMOs? Maybe a bit scared, not sure, etc? Then this article is for you.
#gmosafety #agriculture #skepticalwriterssociety
Originally shared by Mommy, PhD
This former self-proclaimed “GMO skeptic” has changed his mind on GMOs. As I’ve said before breeding method is irrelevant to sustainability, safety or quality. As a technology, it is no better or worse than other breeding techniques. Getting caught up in this false debate prevents us from addressing the real issues.
“By the way and for the record: The argument here, as I read it, is not that GMOs are inherently good. It’s that they’re not inherently bad; they’re safe, have untapped potential, and are already being consumed safely and by the megaton. Also: GMO/not-GMO labeling misses the real problems, and is entirely counterproductive. Just FYI”