And these words of gratitude and thanksgiving are from the ever-thoughtful Alan Shapiro.
Originally shared by Alan Shapiro
Here’s my 2 part wish for you all today:
May whatever your version of “giving” involves (sharing your talent, your resources, and attention, or simply your listening to someone who needs to be heard) be easy and free-flowing. May it always come from a love-filled place.
And may you have a daily source of things to be “Thankful” for: that your first thought each day is one with at least one exciting challenge you are looking forward to, that your second thought involves a long list of loved ones who make you smile and that your last thought each night is one of accomplishment, appreciation, and excitement for whatever is next.
And an extra thought:
Here’s hoping that where many see just an odd turkey,
that you see past that to something exceptionally unique, fascinating and beautiful.
Thanks to you all for sharing your time and friendship with me. Not a day goes by where I am not supremely grateful for you all.
#happythanksgiving #grateful